Introducing Flowline EchoPulse Radar Level Measurement

The Problem:

Flowline has released their new offering of radar level control, called EchoPulse, for plastic, fiberglass, concrete and metallic tanks.  The feedback from actual customer application beta test sites has been extremely positive and Ryan Herco Flow Solutions views this as a new, virtually “bullet-proof” addition to our level product offering that addresses difficult applications conditions.

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Solving Tough Applications with Flowline’s New Radar Level Measurement Technology

World Resource

Flowline LR10 Radar Level Sensor installed outdoors in the desert heatblog10img01

Model: EchoPulse LR10 – 26GHz transmitter.

Location: Tempe, AZ

Why Radar? This application is for a wastewater tank located outdoors in Arizona. Temperature of the application can sometimes increase above 120 F with condensation in the tank, creating a challenging environment for other non-contact technologies.

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RHFS Technical Support Reminder

The RHFS TechTeam is available to provide technical support for our customers with pre-sale application assistance and product specification as well as post-sale product support.  Our TechTeam includes members specializing in various product areas such as Pumps, Tubing, Piping Systems, Instrumentation and Automation.

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Walchem WIND Controller for Chlorination of Drinking Water

The Problem:

There are many places throughout the country where clean drinking water is required, but due to low population or a remote setting a SCADA system cannot be feasibly employed. Rural water systems with their limited funds must meet the same requirements as large municipalities. The WIND utilizing its chlorine and pH sensors can control this application and provide remote communications for reporting and compliance with minimal expense.

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Technical Guidelines for Sodium Hypochlorite Metering


Often, Sodium Hypochlorite can be difficult to successfully meter into a process for disinfecting purposes due to its chemical composition and tendency to “gas off” during hot ambient temperatures in particular, the problem being more prevalent in warmer climates…………..Why?

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