Back to Basics: Valve Selection

Selecting the Correct Valve for a Chemical Process

Selecting the correct valve for a #chemicalprocess is crucial for ensuring safety, efficiency, and reliability. Here are a number of vital factors that you should consider:

Material Compatibility

  • Ensure the valve material is compatible with the processed #chemical to prevent corrosion and degradation.
  • Include other materials, such as gaskets, O-rings, diaphragms, and metallic components that could be in contact with the media. processed

Pressure and Temperature Ratings:

  •  Select a valve that can withstand the process’s operating pressure and temperature.
  • Remember that the lowest-rated component will define your system’s ability to withstand pressure and temperature. 


  • Consider the desired flow rate and whether the valve provides linear, equal percentage, or quick opening flow characteristics.
  • Look at the manufacturer’s listed Cv values to understand the relationship between flow and pressure drop in the valve.

Valve Type:

  • Choose the appropriate valve type (e.g., ball, gate, globe, butterfly) based on the process requirements and the valve’s function (e.g., isolation, regulation, or control).
  • Keep in mind the frequency of the valve use. 

Maintenance and Durability:

  • Opt for valves with #lowmaintenance requirements and high durability to reduce downtime and costs.
  • Select a valve manufacturer with spare parts readily available for the eventual rebuild.

Safety Features:

  • Ensure the valve has necessary #safety features to handle emergencies, such as #failsafe operation and pressure relief.
  • Look for easy valves to “lock out and tag.”

Cost Efficiency:

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select the correct valve to optimize the performance and safety of your chemical process.

Ryan Herco works with multiple quality valve manufacturers and offers many types in #thermoplastic or #stainless. Check out our valve offering in our current Product Guide.

Our Technical Support team is available to assist you in selecting the best valves for your demanding application. Contact them at 800-848-1141 or at You can also complete our Technical Assistance form to get the process started!

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