Ultrapure Water Storage Solution

article1_1aPre-engineered TerraPure® Tank Solution

Our TerraPure custom tank solution has proven to be a leader in the field for ultrapure water applications. In our numerous interactions with customers for this solution, we discovered that there was a common configuration that kept emerging from user requirements, and that is how the pre-engineered TerraPure tank became a new offering.

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The Importance of Ultra High-Purity in the Food and Beverage Industry

Flow MonitorThe CDC estimates that each year 48 million Americans eat something that makes them ill. Thus cleanliness is of a paramount concern to the food & beverage industry as any contamination can be very expensive. To prevent this, food and beverage manufacturers follow rigorous equipment cleaning and sanitizing regimens, striving to remove any trace of contamination. Steam and other treatments are hard on process equipment though and that’s why food industry standards require the use of 300-grade stainless steel.

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